Petrovic Financial Services is a Fee-Only Fiduciary Firm

What does this mean to you?

Fiduciary: \fi-dü-shē-er-ē\ noun, adj: A fiduciary prudently takes care of money or other assets for another person. A fiduciary who manages other people's money, must act in their client's best interests, rather than serving their own interests. 

Reliable, conflict-free advice is what you usually want when you hire a skilled pro to help build and manage your financial portfolio. But there's no guarantee you'll get it. Some investment advisers, motivated by commissions, bonuses, or other financial incentive, steer clients into products that aren't in the best interests, resulting in some $17 billion in lost retirement savings per year, according to a 2017 report by the White House's Council of Economic Advisers.

The 'fiduciary standard', that we stringently adhere to, requires us to put our clients' interest first, generally meaning to disclose and avoid any conflicts of interest. As a “fee-only” Registered Investment Adviser (RIA), we have a fiduciary duty — a legal and ethical responsibility — to act in your best interest. Our firm's compensation is based only on a percentage of our client's 'assets under management' (AUM). We never accept any commission for products or services we recommend. As a “fee-only” Registered Investment Adviser (RIA), we strive to enact and successfully maintain your financial portfolio. The CFP® certification (we have three CFP® professionals on staff) is even broader than the RIA, applying to all aspects of financial planning as well.